Heli Air’s pipeline aerial surveillance teams fly the length and breadth of our customers’ networks by helicopter, every fortnight, without fail. Reports of anything which could pose a long or short term danger to the pipeline are delivered directly to the pipeline operator, almost immediately after they have been spotted by our trained pipeline observers.
Experience Matters.
Heli Air’s helicopter aerial surveillance team is there to ensure your assets are protected all year round. Heli Air’s crews are trained and equipped to help maintain the integrity of our customers’ assets in the most cost effective and efficient way. Our pipeline inspection helicopter crews link up directly with your operations team, delivering up to date vital surveillance reports directly you.
Heli Air has a proven record, scoring over 99% in all contract Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) .As part of this service, or customers benefit from the following services:
Convenient Locations
Heli Air’s services are available from various convenient locations, including near London from our own airfield, Wycombe Air Park. Get in touch to find out more.
You can also reach our head office on +44 (0) 1789 470476