Tag Archives: helicopter training

Heli Air offers Flight Examiner Refresher Seminars

Heli Air are thrilled to announce the launch of our UK CAA approved Flight Examiner Refresher Seminars in 2024!

If you are within the 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of your Flight Examiners Certificate or if you are working towards renewing an expired Flight Examiners Certificate, then Heli Air Ltd can fulfil the requirement for your refresher training seminar. The days training will be held at Wycombe Air Park, commencing at 0900 and completing at around 1730. Lunch and refreshments will be provided so please ensure that any particular dietary requirements are made known on booking.

The next availability is Friday 20th September at Heli Air Wycombe. If you would like book with us, please contact our Wellesbourne Base on: 01789 470 476

For more details click here